Configuration – Time Management


The Configuration options are used to determine which general ledger accounts are used by the software to processes certain transactions and to configure the various options available in Time Management.





Enter the configurations

  1. Click on ClosedGeneral in the menu on the left.
  1. Time Entry section:



Hours Transfer

Available values:


Allocates the average or fixed cost of hours to the project.


Allocates the actual cost of hours to the project using the Payroll Reconciliation option.

Activity and Group Priority in Hour Entries

Determines the priority order for selecting the default activity or group. Valeurs disponibles :

H-Default of the Hour Entries/Employee, Bonus, Equipment

Prioritizes the default values entered in the transaction screen over those defined in the records.

E-Employee, Bonus, Equipment/Default of the Hour Entries

Prioritizes the default values entered in the records over those entered in the transaction screen.

Mass Transfer Counter

Only functions when importing hours from the GesTemps software application.

Do not allow to modify or delete hours from other modules

Check the checkbox to be able to modify or delete hours that came from other modules.

NOTE: By default, this checkbox is not checked.

  1. Internal Labour Markup Allocation section:


Maestro* makes it possible to distinguish between marked up and actual costs in salaries for projects, and potentially in the general ledger. To do this, it is necessary to configure a project, activity, group and markup percentage. This option can be used to record interdepartmental revenue for employees working for more than one department at a time. The project revenue, which is not an actual revenue, results from the calculation of the marked up salary cost at a percentage that varies from one project to the next and from one employee to the next.





Project number to which internal labour is allocated.


Activity number to which internal labour is allocated.


Expense group.

Markup %

1, 2, 3, 4

Markup percentage applicable to the hourly rate, not the salary cost.

NOTE: We recommend assigning a specific identifier to each rate. For example, 1st rate = Employees - Administration, 2nd rate = Employees – Field, etc.

  1. Bonus Deduction Posting section: This section is used to identify a project, activity or group that will be used for posting deduction bonuses (% deduction from the net, Deduction and Alimony). When you complete this section, the user may select the deduction bonuses in the Enter Hours option.




Internal project to which deduction bonuses are posted that were entered using hour entries.


Internal activity to which deduction bonuses are posted.


Internal group to which deduction bonuses are posted.

NOTE: Only Salary groups are accepted.

  1. Reconciliation Payroll-Project section:



Banked Hours Adjustment

When running Payroll Reconciliation used to reconcile the difference between hours assigned to projects and hours paid in an adjustment project to reconcile the payroll with the projects. Valeurs disponibles :


Project for reconciling the adjustment.


Activity for reconciling the adjustment.


Expense group for the adjustment.

  1. Banked Hours Posting section: This section allows you to configure how the hours entered using the Enter Hours option and for which the Bank box is checked are managed. For more information on the posting of banked hours, refer to the Managing Banked Hours procedure.



Liability project

Project number for reconciling banked hours.


Activity for reconciling banked hours.


Salary expense group.

Pay out after

Maximum period banked hours are available.

NOTE: After this period, the system considers the hour’s payable and will suggest payment when banked hours to be paid are selected.

Banked hours will be paid at time and a half if the banked hours exceed this number of days. If not, they will be paid at regular time.

Pay the hours with the rate

Valeurs disponibles :

1. Current

Pay the banked hours at the rate applicable at the time the hours are paid.

2. Original

Pay the banked hours at the rate applicable at the time the hours were banked.

Never pay automatically

Indicates to maestro* that the hours to pay for the banked hours will be selected manually by the user, if the box is checked.

NOTES: If selected, maestro* does not propose by default, the hours in the bank to pay.

The Banked hours management option is available by the icon with the same name in the Enter Hours option.

  1. Billable Hours section :



The billable hours must be transferred for payroll processing

If checked, the system requires you to transfer billable hours before calculating fringe benefits. When billable hours are transferred, they will be posted to the project.

NOTE: Otherwise, the hours will be added to the projects automatically when fringe benefits are posted.

  1. Overtime Calculation section: This section must be used in the case where the Overtime Calculation option is used and where the hourly rate paid for the overtime must be calculated from a base rate different than the hourly rate.


This tab is only visible if the Automatic calculation of overtime module time is installed.

Leaving the two fields below blank, maestro* calculates the additional rate as regular time or double time, depending on the hourly rate.




Overtime hours must be recorded in the Shift

User can identify the work shift of work to use to calculate the hours at time and a half.

NOTE: When calculating the overtime, maestro* will create a transaction to reverse the hours at regular time followed by a new transaction using this shift for the hours at time and a half and will calculate the hourly rate to pay, using as a basis for calculating, the hourly rate attached to this shift.

Double time hours must be recorded in the Shift

User can identify the work shift to use to calculate the hours at double time.

NOTE: When calculating the overtime, maestro* will create a transaction to reverse the hours at regular time followed by a new transaction using this shift for the hours at double time and will calculate the hourly rate to pay, using as a basis for calculating, the hourly rate attached to this shift.

  1. Default Bonus section:




Allows to choose when the default bonuses will be applied by the system. Available values:

When Transferring Project Hours

When the choice is When Transferring Project Hours, bonuses that come from the Advanced Default Bonus option are added to the transfer of project hours.

In this case, to ensure the bonus is transferred to the payroll, the hours must be transferred before compiling and reading the project hours.

A this step, the hours transfer is a partial one that only has an effect on the project costs, without affecting the General Ledger.

If the hours transfer is later cancelled because modifications have to be made, the default bonuses are deleted.

During Transaction Entry

When the choice is During Transaction Entry, bonuses that come from the Advanced Default Bonus option are added to the hour entry in the Daily Entry option.

NOTE: Default bonuses are defined in the Default Bonus and/or Advanced Default Bonus options.

  1. Timecard section:



Timecard Form

Allows the selection of the form to use to print timecards. The default form is the one automatically selected.

NOTE : This feature is only available in SQL mode and only for maestro*MOBILE users.

Timecard Document Category

When the form is generated and linked in the document management option, the field allows the assignment of a document category to timecards. This fields is optional - it is not mandatory to assign a category to timecards.

  1. Click on ClosedWorkers Comp (CSST)/Fringe Benefit in the menu on the left.
  1. W/C - CSST Accounting section:

If a project, activity and group have been specified for a W/C - CSST activity in the Define W/C CSST option, they supersede the settings when posting to the W/C CSST.




Liability project

Asset project for the reconciliation of W/C - CSST amounts to be provisioned.


Asset activity for the reconciliation of W/C - CSST amounts to be provisioned.


Expense group for the report project.

Expense Group

Default expense group for expense projects.

Calculation Source

Source type of the gross earnings used for the W/C-CSST calculation. Valeurs disponibles :


Uses the source identified in Government Tables based on the province for Canadian payroll or Define Withholding Tax (U.S.) for U.S. payroll.


Uses the gross provincial earnings.

NOTE: Usually used for Québec.


Uses the gross federal earnings.

NOTE: Usually used for provinces other than Québec.


Uses the salary (hours * Hourly Rate) to which the checked Affects W/C CSST Salary bonuses are added.

NOTE: According to the maximum W/C CSST for the province. Usually used for Québec.

IMPORTANT: Use when there is a taxable income but that the CSST must not be calculated. For example, you can have a bonus for transportation costs which is taxable but that for X reason it doesn’t require calculated CSST. In this case you must use MAX CSST and not Provincial.

Worked Hours

Uses Worked Hours for Workers Compensation Calculation.

The hours to be included in the calculation are the Worked Hours and the Revenue bonuses.

The Revenue bonuses are available by accessing the Define Earning/Deduction Codes window, under the US Payroll Calculation tab in the Affects Calculations – Other section by selecting the W/C Deduction under For Hours option.

NOTE: Only Available for U.S. Payroll.

Prov./State Source

Default value, province linked to payroll.

Province linked to the CSST activity, enables the management of multi-province CSST.

NOTE: It is important to do the accounting for one CSST period at a time.

Source of the excess calculation mode

Allows user to choose between two sources for the excess calculation of the W/C - CSST Recognition: Payroll Committee (actual method) or W/C - CSST Activity (new method).

NOTE: the new configuration will be applicable for the new transactions only.

  1. PBB Accounting section:



Liability project

Asset project for the reconciliation of DWRB (Déclaration de la Masse Salariale à la Régie du Bâtiment) to be paid.


Asset activity for the reconciliation of DWRB amounts to be paid.


Expense group for the report project.

Expense Group

Default expense group for expense projects.

Contribution rate

Rate set by the Régie du bâtiment.

Fixed Charges

Specifies the amount of fixed charges required by the DWRB.

NOTE: This amount will be included in miscellaneous report 112 – Wage Declaration accessible in the Miscellaneous Reports option in the Time Management module, Payroll section.

  1. Fringe Benefits section:



Accrued Labour account

Temporary account reset to 0 after each payroll.

Accrued Fringe Benefits account

Temporary account reset to 0 after each payroll.

Fringe Benefits on Vacation Pay

Account for the provision of fringe benefits on calculated vacations.

  1. Click on ClosedTime sheet in the menu on the left.



Print the regions

Print regions on the list of time sheets, if the box is checked.

Print the text "Approved By"

Print the "Approved By" text on the list of time sheets if the box is checked.

Print the group code description

Print the group code description on the list of time sheets if the box is checked.

Print the bonus amounts on timesheets

Print bonus amounts on the list of time sheets if the box is checked.

Week ending day for monthly and bi-monthly employees

Determines the day of the end of the pay period.

  1. Mobile section:



Timesheet entry mode in maestro*MOBILE

Available values:

By Employee Team

When in the By Employee Team mode, the employee must be part of a team (Employee Teams option) and a team leader responsible for the approval of timesheets has to have been appointed.

The team leader can be responsible for timesheet entries of the team's members.

  • If they are responsible for timesheet entries:
    • They are the only one able to enter timesheets for the whole team;
    • They must approve each of the members' timesheet so they can be available to be processed in maestro*.
  • If they are not responsible for timesheet entries:
    • Each team member must enter their own timesheet in maestro*MOBILE;
    • The team leader must enter their own timesheet in maestro*MOBILE;
    • They must approve each of the team members' timesheet once they have all confirmed it's ready to be processed in maestro*.


In Individual mode, whether a user is part of a team or not has no importance - they do not have to be part of a team to enter their timesheet in maestro*MOBILE. The employee approve their own timesheet to make it available to be processed in maestro*.

Allow Expense Company Selection

If this configuration is activated, a field will then be available in the time entry transaction to allow the selection of a company.

Available in multidimensional mode only.

NOTE: The available companies will, however, respect the user's security profile.

Do not allow to enter time in the current week if the previous one has not been completed

If this configuration is checked, it will be impossible for an employee or a team lead to enter time in the ongoing week for the employee if the previous week's timesheet has not been completed.

NOTE: This configuration is not checked by default.

  1. Click on ClosedPayroll Interface in the menu on the left.



Company number

Company name used to export hours to an external payroll calculation application.

NOTE: In multidimensional mode, this button configures a different company number by company prefix.


Directory used to export hours to an external payroll calculation application.

Regular time export code

Export code used to export regular hours to an external payroll calculation application.

Overtime (1.5) export code

Export code used to export overtime hours to an external payroll calculation application.

Double time export code

Export code used to export double time hours to an external payroll calculation application.

CCQ Sector Match Code

Match codes for CCQ sectors used to export hours.

NOTE: Current equivalencies for the CCQ include:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D

These fields are not exported with the Desjardins interface.

Company Number

Enter the number that identifies the company in the data exchange files.

NOTE: It is possible to enter the company number specific to each prefix, when the multi-dimensional mode is installed.

Highest Bonus Code

Enter the code for the highest bonus to be imported, in order to avoid that non relevant bonuses are imported.

NOTES: If there are lines to import with a bonus code which has not been created in maestro* but which is smaller than that specified in this field, a message will be displayed to warn the user that he must create a bonus.

The field is visible only if the interface CGI hours is installed.

  1. Click on ClosedDrilling in the menu on the left.
  1. Accrued Bonus Posting section:




Internal project to which accrued bonuses are posted, but not immediately paid to employees.


Internal activity to which accrued bonuses are posted, but not immediately paid to employees.


Type of group.

Fringe benefit rate on accrued bonuses

Rate of fringe benefits applies to the accrued bonuses, but not immediately paid to employees.

NOTE: The cost of these bonuses will be posted to the projects and increased by the fringe benefit rate.

  1. Unit of Measure section:



Daily Drilling Report Entry

Default unit of measure for drilling timesheets.

Bonus Calculation

Unit of measure used to calculate bonuses.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025